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0A - Spinal Fusion and Decompression

UHC (United)

Medical & Drug

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Examples: Medical document
ation required, coverage criteria, codes, modifiers, etc. 

Medical notes documenting the following, when applicable:
  • Condition requiring procedure

  • History and co-morbid medical condition(s)

  • Smoking history/status, including date of last smoking cessation

  • Member’s symptoms, pain, location, and severity including functional impairment that is interfering with activities of daily living (ADLs)

  • Prior treatments tried, failed, or contraindicated; include the dates, duration, and reason for discontinuation

  • Failure of conservative therapy through lack of clinically significant improvement between at least two measurements, on a validated pain or function scale or quantifiable symptoms despite concurrent conservative therapies

  • Progressive deficits with clinically significant worsening based on at least two measurements over time

  • Surgical history, including date(s) and outcome(s)

  • Disabling symptoms

  • Upon request, we may require the specific diagnostic image(s) that show the abnormality for which surgery is being requested, which may include MRI, CT scan, X-ray, and/or bone scan; consultation with requesting surgeon may be of benefit to select the optimal images

    • Note: When requested, diagnostic image(s) must be labeled with:

      • The date taken

      • Applicable case number obtained at time of notification, or member's name and ID number on the image(s)

    • Upon request, diagnostic imaging must be submitted via the external portal at; faxes will not be accepted

  • Diagnostic image(s) report(s) by a radiologist, including presence or absence of:

    • Segment(s) instability

    • Spinal cord compression

    • Disc herniation

    • Nerve root compression

    • Quantification of subluxation, translation by flexion, angulation when appropriate

    • Discitis

    • Epidural abscess

    • Scoliosis

    • Kyphosis

  • Physical exam, including neurologic exam and degree and progression of curvature (for scoliosis); include quantification of relevant muscle strength

  • Whether the surgery will be performed with direct visualization or only with endoscopic visualization

  • Complete report(s) of diagnostic tests, including:

    • Results of biopsy(ies)

    • Results of bone aspirate

  • Describe the surgical technique(s) planned

  • For revision surgery, include documentation of:

    • Clinical complications

    • Relevant laboratory findings

    • Relevant imaging

    • Prior treatments for complications tried, failed, or contraindicated; include the dates and reason for discontinuation

22206, 22207, 22208, 22210, 22212, 22214, 22216, 22220, 22222, 22224, 22226, 22532, 22533, 22534, 22548, 22551, 22552, 22554, 22556, 22558, 22585, 22590, 22595, 22600, 22610, 22612, 22614, 22630, 22632, 22633, 22634, 22800, 22802, 22804, 22808, 22810, 22812, 22830, 22840, 22841, 22842, 22843, 22844, 22845, 22846, 22847, 22848, 22849

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